Content Writing Software
AutoText is a Windows desktop application
powered by the latest GPT-3 model of
artificial intelligence, capable of creating
fresh original topic titles and articles
Rapidly researches and gathers main topics, and writes long-form articles from gathered data
The software is Free and OpenAI connectivity costs about .02 per 750 words
Write and proof articles in a matter of minutes
Can be used for blog articles, social media posts, academic research, website copy, and ad copy
AutoText connects to the the text-devinci-003 model API of artificial intelligence, which is considered to be the most powerful AI model available. This AI model is used by many large companies, such as Microsoft and Amazon, to help them with their various tasks. It is also used for research and development in various industries and fields.
Sure, the people pictured below are just models, but our support staff doesn’t need
to have perfect teeth in order to make sure you can get the help you need in
a fast, friendly and caring way.